VNote a great program to write in markdown available to Linux (Like MX Linux 21, antiX 21)

 VNote is a great program, for my is great to write markdown

Download VNote 32 bits

 See my 32 bits deb build:


 Note: If you are curious, you will realize that the deb that I compiled is smaller than the ones on the github page of the Chinese developers, this is because VNote can use the dependencies of the Linux operating system, for example: Kdenlive, which is a program huge but because it uses many KDE dependencies, you can see this by looking at its packages:


 which weighs 9 MB and


 which weighs almost 3 MB, the same with the deb I compiled, instead the developers have made it available by integrating many of its dependencies right there to make it work on many (64-bit) Linux, not like the one I have compiled only for Linux based on Debian 11 Bullseye

Download VNote 64 bits

 On the official page:


 As you can see there it is also available for Windows 32 and 64 bits, and for MAC OS XHow to open a markdown file with VNoteTo open a markdown file with VNote 3.13.1 you need to right click and open with VNote. The next picture is from Thunar File Manager:


 How to edit a markdown file in VNote To edit a the file clic on the button pencil:


 VNote generate bookmarks This program generate bookmarks with your headings:


 How to insert headings the headings are in this button:


 How to insert picturesTo insert a picture into a file for a Github project you can drag and drop:


 select one option to "Insert as image" given two clics:


 and I do this usually delete the "Title" section (but if you need use it):


 In VNote you can insert images and these will be seen locally and also on github onlineThe great in VNote is that in the edition mode the pictures appear visible:


 and the best thing is that we don't have to do anything else for them to appear on github once one has pulled, because they will appear, example:

 this tutorial on github with the image inserted:


 this is a great advance that I never see in other markdown editors
